Thank You.
NM Business Excellence thanks everyone who has supported us in creating this website.
We endeavor to always credit the correct original source for all the materials we use. If you think we’ve made a mistake, please contact us at andrewc@nmbusinessexcellence.com. We would be happy to correct any errors and give credit where credit is due. We also will gladly remove any image or other material that despite our care, should not have been used.

Enchanted circle
Image by Shafi
Fall color in new mexico. Taken in Taos, NM while driving through the enchanted circle loop
Used on Contact Us Page, Home page and elsehwere

Native American Gourd Dance, Gallup NM
Image by Donovan Shortey / CC BY-SA (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)
Source on Wikimedia Commons Used on Slideshow “Who We are” page