What Now?
Personal Planning in a pandemic
We offer webinar programs for school leavers, & for graduates of High School and college.
A personal story: My son just graduated from The College of Wooster in Ohio and like so many kids he has been completely blind-sided by the changes taking place in the world. He has no clue where his life is going. I introduced him to a series of three exercises to help him get some clarity and ease some of the fear, and to develop a plan on how to move forward.

Try it yourself
The Exercise
The three exercises can help you frame context around where you are today and where you want to be in one year.
- Write down what you are really interested in, what you definitely don’t want to do, and what you want your life to look like
- Format a plan for the next year divided into four columns: personal development, professional development, fun things to do, and finally financial goals. Each column is populated with some mini-goals with dates and outcomes
- A monthly/weekly action sheet linking to what drives your daily activities
Webinar for High School & College graduates:
Objective: Two short on-line video workshops of 2-3 hours each over two weeks
Who: High school graduates/college graduates
Where: Zoom
Join us now for the short but powerful free seminar!
Contact us to find out more.
“Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you.”
-Oprah Winfrey
Call or email us:
+1 575 741 0087
Mailing Address
PO Box 247
Rancho de Taos, NM 87557